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 Typhhoons GM appication.

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SyncGunZ Member

Posts : 27
Join date : 2009-08-19

Typhhoons GM appication. Empty
PostSubject: Typhhoons GM appication.   Typhhoons GM appication. I_icon_minitimeWed 19 Aug - 13:47

IGN: TyphoonHM

contact info:

location: richmond B.C. Vancouver

time zone:Pacific standard

language: English, mandarin, teny tiny of French

time: On like 7 hours a day. almost everyday except for vacations and stuff.

age: 13 and half

what can i do: as i said, this server needs alot of members. i will go get 20pplz for this server for sure. But just don't change forums everytime. then, will be alot of members.

Why should i be hired: i want to be hire becoz i will help this server then, this server will be famous like darkgunz and drgunz.
i want t be a gm. I will be as fair as possible. i make new and custom events and can make event at least 3 times a day. and... i have never been a gm before. i really really want to have a chance. please take me.

My real name is harley so yeah. ty for taking time to read my application.
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SyncGunZ Member

Posts : 26
Join date : 2009-08-19

Typhhoons GM appication. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Typhhoons GM appication.   Typhhoons GM appication. I_icon_minitimeWed 19 Aug - 15:03

Nice app and good luck. Smile
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Head GameMaster

Posts : 7
Join date : 2009-08-19

Typhhoons GM appication. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Typhhoons GM appication.   Typhhoons GM appication. I_icon_minitimeWed 19 Aug - 20:20

TyphoonHM wrote:
IGN: TyphoonHM

contact info:

location: richmond B.C. Vancouver

time zone:Pacific standard

language: English, mandarin, teny tiny of French

time: On like 7 hours a day. almost everyday except for vacations and stuff.

age: 13 and half

what can i do: as i said, this server needs alot of members. i will go get 20pplz for this server for sure. But just don't change forums everytime. then, will be alot of members.

Why should i be hired: i want to be hire becoz i will help this server then, this server will be famous like darkgunz and drgunz.
i want t be a gm. I will be as fair as possible. i make new and custom events and can make event at least 3 times a day. and... i have never been a gm before. i really really want to have a chance. please take me.

My real name is harley so yeah. ty for taking time to read my application.

Alright, so far I am considering this application. However, you said you will make this server famous? I'd like to see you start doing that, to prove yourself, instead of just saying that in an application. The more people you get, the more it shows myself and Brandon that you are dedicated to SyncGunz, and will put effort into helping the server.
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Typhhoons GM appication. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Typhhoons GM appication.   Typhhoons GM appication. I_icon_minitime

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