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 KennyJ GM App. [:

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SyncGunZ Member

Posts : 16
Join date : 2009-08-19

KennyJ GM App. [: Empty
PostSubject: KennyJ GM App. [:   KennyJ GM App. [: I_icon_minitimeWed 19 Aug - 18:20

In-Game Name: KennyJ

Contact Info: add me on msn.

Location: New york, Brooklyn

Time Zone: Eastern Canada, U.S

Languages spoken: English.

Activity Time:
I'll be on as much as I can like 8-9 hrs... enough to get everyone the help, and support they need.


What I can do for the server:Make sure everyone follows the rules, I can help people with they're problems.I can help ban Hackers, Spammers,those who use racial slurs, and those who excessively ego but with a warning of course.
-Will be on most of the time to keep an eye on things and make sure it's all how it should be.
-Guide others on anything they might need to know about the game, or any other thing they need.
-Work with other GMs to keep the server player safe, and hacker free.

Why I should be hired: I'm Loyal, fair, Mature, Trustworthy, and I will never slack off. I want a chance (=

Programs used: Well I do play around with blender now and then, but never actually made any Gunz weapons.

Proof of work:
I was never a GM before this is why I want a chance to prove I can be a great GM there is no proof of anywork. Exclamation Idea
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