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 Kings Application

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SyncGunZ Member

Posts : 4
Join date : 2009-08-20

Kings Application Empty
PostSubject: Kings Application   Kings Application I_icon_minitimeThu 20 Aug - 9:19

In-Game Name: King

Contact Info: Is my messanger. You can contact me there which I will always be or just pm me.

Location: New York

Time Zone: -5 GMT

Languages spoken: English[100%], Polish[99%], Spanish[10%]

Activity Time:
Summer: Every day about 7 hours a day
School: Everyday about 3 hours a day
(*Note* Make sure u post on what days you will be on and for how long)

Age: 13

What I can do for the server:

-I give one warnign before a ban
-I can infract/ban spammers
-I can infract/ban hackers
-I can infract/ban swappers
-I can infract/ban glitchers
-I can help in the chatbox and lobby
-I can help fellow staff/members with their problems
-I can donate
-I can invite friends

Why I should be hired:

-I have a clam mind, steady and clear
-Im respectful, non-judgemental
-Im trustworthy
-Im obeying and kind
-Im Mature
-Im very active
-Im Experienced

Proof of Experence: I worked for iGunz as a GM twice, I worked for freedomgunz as a gm, and Im owner of Elite GunZ. Dont got any screenshots, I can do teamviewer with you and you can see for yourself.

Closing Sentance: Hope you liked my application, Hope I get a shot.

Yours Truely,
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