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 Donalds GM app

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SyncGunZ Member

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PostSubject: Donalds GM app   Donalds GM app I_icon_minitimeThu 20 Aug - 12:53

In-Game Name: Donald

Contact Info: you got my e-mail tony

Location: Toronto Ontario Canada

Time Zone: -5GMT

Languages spoken: English, French and Chinese

Activity Time: Everyday each day atleast 9 hours. up to 16 hours. From 9am to 11 eastern time.
(*Note* Make sure u post on what days you will be on and for how long)

Age: 14

What I can do for the server:
I can ban players that aren't meant for SyncGunz, Spamming, Abusive, Swapping, Hacking etc. I can also help out the community by telling people rules and leading them where they need to be eg. If a player needs help I can help them. If they need a fix that I cant help (rollback items) then I can lead them to a ranked staff. Try and make the server more known. e.x I made a banner, first person to . I even used Photoshop for the first time. I can learn new things fast so if I need to know how to host an event I will learn it quick so I can host one if needed.

Why I should be hired:

I can stop arguing. Lots of players ego a lot and then they have a fight and I can be the one who finds out who started it and tell them to both play nicely.I am also very friendly and I get along with people very well... jokes are fun but shouldn't be tooken to far. Also I am a very trustworthy employee I won't unban someone unlike some staff would. I will try to treat everyone equally so that I am not just helping one person. I like to play Gunz a lot but I will get out of a duel or any other game just to help out. I will get out even faster to ban a hacker. I am not mean and can control my temper. Although I have never been a GM before I would really like an opportunity to be one and I wont let you down. Vacations aren't really what I like so I am mostly home 24/7 unless at school. I know what it feels like to be in charge because I own a private server and can make it run smoothly. I don't argue a lot, if I am in a fight I will either drop it and say sorry or make it into something better, an agreement. I really think I can be a great GM because of my age. I don't have a really expanded life because I don't have summer school or summer couses yet so I can be very active. My school work isn't that hard for me so I can finish quick and get a good grade too. That way there is a bigger time for being active. I think I have met all the gm's buy tony and another dev, you can ask Brandon, Kenny and centrino (sorry i dont know his name)

Thanks for reading my app. I took time to think about all my capabilities so you can fully understand who you are hiring if you do. Hope you accept me.

Last edited by Donald on Thu 20 Aug - 21:32; edited 1 time in total
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SyncGunZ Member

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Join date : 2009-08-20

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PostSubject: Re: Donalds GM app   Donalds GM app I_icon_minitimeThu 20 Aug - 21:22

Your age bothers me,, next time try to make an app without smily's like =p etc.

I like your APP, it has alot of info. and you've got alot of activity on gunz.
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SyncGunZ Member

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PostSubject: Re: Donalds GM app   Donalds GM app I_icon_minitimeThu 20 Aug - 21:29

centrino wrote:
Your age bothers me,, next time try to make an app without smily's like =p etc.

I like your APP, it has alot of info. and you've got alot of activity on gunz.

Age, Smage.....I am very active and very mature...I wont get into little first or big fights for that matter...and yeah. Having Pre-teen GM's I think is a lot better because they have a smaller life than teenagers and can be a lot more active. I have been on atleast 6-12 hours? Not sure I didn't keep track.

Sorry for the bad grammer in my App. I'll try to make it neat and tidy next time.
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SyncGunZ Member

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PostSubject: Re: Donalds GM app   Donalds GM app I_icon_minitimeThu 20 Aug - 21:56


we need atleast 50 active people online, since im no life too.
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SyncGunZ Member

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PostSubject: Re: Donalds GM app   Donalds GM app I_icon_minitimeThu 20 Aug - 21:58

centrino wrote:

we need atleast 50 active people online, since im no life too.

I made a banner hopefully that will help. Also I asked a couple ppl to play, 1 of them is jokkie.
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SyncGunZ Member

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PostSubject: Re: Donalds GM app   Donalds GM app I_icon_minitimeFri 21 Aug - 12:50

Donald u should be really gm Good luck ur nice player active.. u should be hired
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SyncGunZ Member

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PostSubject: Re: Donalds GM app   Donalds GM app I_icon_minitimeFri 21 Aug - 13:39

RoronoaAce wrote:
Donald u should be really gm Good luck ur nice player active.. u should be hired

LOL ty , and your still drunk eh? Your gramer is a mess!
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SyncGunZ Member

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PostSubject: Re: Donalds GM app   Donalds GM app I_icon_minitimeFri 21 Aug - 13:54

Donald wrote:
RoronoaAce wrote:
Donald u should be really gm Good luck ur nice player active.. u should be hired

LOL ty , and your still drunk eh? Your gramer is a mess!

Lool, proper grammar is ftw!
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SyncGunZ Member

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PostSubject: Re: Donalds GM app   Donalds GM app I_icon_minitimeFri 21 Aug - 15:57

Hoodlom wrote:
Donald wrote:
RoronoaAce wrote:
Donald u should be really gm Good luck ur nice player active.. u should be hired

LOL ty , and your still drunk eh? Your gramer is a mess!

Lool, proper grammar is ftw!

Lol he had to drink salt water when he was drunk I was laughing so hard cuz he was drunk and he kept typing to me on msn...''jiognaonfodnoas'' lol
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PostSubject: Re: Donalds GM app   Donalds GM app I_icon_minitime

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