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 Possessed (Application)

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2 posters
SyncGunZ Member

Posts : 2
Join date : 2009-08-20

Possessed (Application) Empty
PostSubject: Possessed (Application)   Possessed (Application) I_icon_minitimeThu 20 Aug - 15:29

In-Game Name: Possessed

Contact Info:

Location: Toronto, Ontario (Canada)

Time Zone: Eastern Time

Languages spoken: Tagalog, English, French

Activity Time: Always on unless I go somewhere like visit people or vacation. All the time unless its school time ill be only on for like 1-4 hours?

Age: 16

What I can do for the server: I can do alot of this server except those program stuff.. what I can do is bust rule breakers! wonder around channels and games and look for people who breaks the rules, advertise this server, help people in the forums and tell them whats going on or not.

Why I should be hired: I should be hired because iam loyal, helpful, fair, not abuse my powers, i will advertise no matter what, online always, i will not flame at people, i am very patient, and I can speak those 3 languages very well (english, french, tagalog)
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SyncGunZ Member

Posts : 6
Join date : 2009-08-20

Possessed (Application) Empty
PostSubject: Opinion   Possessed (Application) I_icon_minitimeThu 20 Aug - 21:21

For now,

We don't need any gm's yet, first we need alot of other people.
After we'll keep searching,, keep playing gunz.

I want to see your activity before i'll accept your application.
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